
Frequently asked questions

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We do not offer returns in the event you are unhappy with the hats after approval.
However, we do offer some replacement options if something happens, if your product does not meet our standards or is incorrect. We approach refunds and replacements on a case-by-case basis, so please reach out to us with any questions.

Generally, we do not recommend washing hats as one would wash clothing. However, since many people do want to keep their hats cleaner for longer we have some tips!

Never put the hat in the washing machine or dishwasher – the wash cycles and soaps are too aggressive and are more likely to permanently damage your hat than not.
Spot clean or hand wash with a clothing detergent if the dirt/stain is fresh or contained to a small area.
For cotton hats (most truckers and dad hats), gentle hand washing with clothing detergent on an occasional basis is recommended.
However, know that all cotton hats are susceptible to permanent sweat stains and fading with regular wear. This is character! Embrace it!
For polyester hats (most performance-style hats), we recommend rinsing in the sink or shower after sweaty wear. A little spot cleaning and hand washing also works well for these hats.
Only air dry your hats, never put them in the dryer.
Try not to saturate leather patches when hand-washing or rinsing. Regular soaking of leather can cause staining, warping, or just an increased appearance of wear on the leather patch. Again, this is going to happen anyway, and we like to think of it as character, but it can be prolonged by careful washing.